Rogue Forest Partners

Who we are

The Rogue Forest Partners are a group of four nonprofits and six public agencies working as one for the forests and communities of the Rogue Basin. We haven’t always agreed about what’s best for our forests. But we’ve come together on common ground, founded in science, partnership, and recognition of the urgent need for resilient forests and fire-adapted communities. We know the sum of our expertise is greater than our parts and strengthened by a shared vision and our cooperative approach.

Our partnership plans, funds, and collaborates to implement forest restoration projects across both public and private lands in the Basin. This cross-boundary approach leverages the strengths of all our partners and improves the effectiveness of our work.

We engage with landowners, conservationists, businesses, tribal leaders, elected officials and others with an interest in Rogue Basin forests. We strive to listen carefully to their diverse—and sometimes divergent—views as we work together to find the right balance.

What doesn’t waver is our belief in active, ecological forest management now—because delays only increase the likelihood of bigger fires with more smoke, and loss of the forests we know, love, and depend upon.

Our Mission

RFP is restoring forests in collaboration with diverse communities to reduce wildfire risks, enhance wildlife habitat and create equitable, sustainable jobs.

Our Vision

Diverse partners equitably working together in southern Oregon to sustain healthy, adaptive fire-resilient forests and communities with scientifically sound and culturally wise investments in forestry, skilled forest workers, and safe, effective fire management.


USDA Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
Oregon Department of Forestry
Oregon State University Forestry and Extension
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Klamath Bird Observatory
USDI Bureau of Land Management
The Nature Conservancy
USDI Fish and Wildlife Partners Program
Southern Oregon Forest Restoration Collaborative

Our Funders

RFP’s initiative projects are currently funded through the Oregon Water Enhancement Board lottery dollars with additional support from Meyer Memorial Trust, Oregon Community Foundation, and matching in-kind funding and staff time from each of our partners. This critical work would not be possible without the support of our many partners and the community.

Meyer Memorial Trust
c.	Oregon Community Foundation

The Rogue Forest Partnership provides much needed workforce capacity and assists us in connecting with communities and leveraging funding opportunities to complete critical forest restoration. Partners also conduct monitoring that allows us to understand the effectiveness of our work.

Donna Mickley, Siskiyou Mountains District Ranger

The Rogue Basin Strategy

RFP’s work is part of the broader Rogue Basin Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy, which highlights critical restoration needs in southern Oregon. The strategy covers parts of the Western Cascades, Klamath Mountains, and Coast Range ecoregions—encompassing 4.6 million acres of ecologically diverse landscapes, including the entire Rogue River Watershed. The strategy calls for ecological forestry on one-quarter of the landscape, which research shows can significantly reduce wildfire severity.

Within the Rogue Basin Strategy, we have identified six high priority areas, critically important for reducing the risks of increasing drought and extreme wildfires, promoting climate adaptation, and restoring resilience to our landscape and communities.

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